Thursday, August 31, 2006


PokémonCenter Online Savings Discount

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Monday, August 28, 2006


Summer Vacation Is Over.

Summer Vacation Is Over. (No PokéNews)

Sunday, August 27, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Saturday, August 26, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Friday, August 25, 2006


No PokeNews

No PokeNews

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Mew's 'R' Us!

First off, there will be a Mew give away held at Toy R Us's all across America. Here is your chance to add Mew to your Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, or Leaf Green games. You will be required to bring your own Gameboy Advance with you in order to get Mew. There will be two types of Mew as well. One that focus's on Special attack and one that focus's on regular attacks. You can catch your own Mew on September 30th, 2006.

The Pokemon Diamond & Pearl anime series has just opened the official site, which has no updates currently, but I'm sure there will be some of course. You can find it here.

This is all for now. I will keep updating when new news comes along!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Monday, August 21, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Sunday, August 20, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Saturday, August 19, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Friday, August 18, 2006


Finally, Pre-Order the new games!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Poké Discount

Monday, August 14, 2006


New Pokémon

You all know I hate posting stuff we aren't sure of, but a new screenshot has cropped up which features what looks to be an evolved form of Naetoru. Being a picture of the screen taken from a digital camera, it would be difficult but not impossible to fake, but I'm still not 100% sure on this so don't take it as a real Pokémon yet. It looks to be a Pokémon along Naetoru's evolution chain called Aobasu. It's name meaning Fresh Leaves & Nest. We are currently checking whether it is real or not. Watch this space:

Sunday, August 13, 2006


nXt Episodes

Pok3emon の中心は非常に使用中である!
Japan- The Pokémon Centre Is Very Busy!

Psychic VS Ghost! Midnight Duel! (Jp. Title)
Airdate: Fall 2006
*Chronicles Information Unavailable at the moment.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


New Diamond and Pearl Video


Diamond and Pearl Information.

* The Bird Pokémon has now been revealed to be #010 in the Shinou Dex, #396 in the National Dex. It's call Mukkuru and is the Gray Starling Pokémon and is Normal/Flying Type. We are not 100% sure on the authenticity of this yet but several seperate screenshots have come through. We're classing it as legitimate for the time being, as it seems to have come from an updated PokéJungle demo. We'll keep you aprised

* Two new Pokémon Sihlouettes were revealed via the official site earlier today (One being Mukkuru). Click below to go to the new Pokémon Page. It is unknown what these Pokémon are and what types they are

* The Pokémon Garden aspect of the official site has also revealed that there may be a pre-evolved form of Roselia and a pre-evolved form of Lucario, but this does not make it 100% fact
* Elekible's move, Giga Attack requires the user to rest afterwards like with Hyper Beam
* Elekible's ability Electric Engine states that when Elekible is hit by an Electric attack, it's speed increases and it does not take damage
* Chiremu has a new attack called Spell. This attack stops the foe from being able to make critical hits
* Instead of using Pokéblocks to increase your Pokémon's Contest stats, you use a new item called Pofin, or PokéBread as it will inevitably be called here. You have to mix them on the touch screen and the more accurately you make it the higher the level and effect. Click below to go to our Super Contest section, now updated with more information
Super Contests

Super Contests

* The Global Trading Station allows you to put the Pokémon you're willing to trade up and state what you would like in return including Pokémon Name, Level and Gender. If it finds a match that the trainers agree to, a trade is done. If not then it stays on the system until you cancel. You can also look at the Pokémon open for trades and put in an offer.

Friday, August 11, 2006


No PokéNewsNo PokéNews

No PokéNews

Thursday, August 10, 2006


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


nXt Episodes

男の子対女の子! 永久に競争相手!
Japan- May VS Drew! Rivals Forever!
Psychic VS Ghost! Midnight Duel! (Jp. Title)
Airdate: Fall 2006
*Chronicles Information Unavailable at the moment.


Diamond and Pearl Information Wrap-Up

New Pokemon Pearl & Diamond Pokemon have been revealed: Naetle, Hikozaru, Pochama, Erekiburu & Rozureido. Edited pictures courtesy of Sunain at Please thank zhenlin from Bulbagarden who originally posted the translation of the CoroCoro scans at:

名前 ナエトル ヒコザル ポッチャマ
Trademark Naetle Hikozaru Pochama
Exact Naetoru Hikozaru Potchama
Type Grass Fire Water
分類 わかばポケモン こざるポケモン ペンギンポケモン
Species YoungLeaf SmallMonkey Penguin
特性 しんりょく もうか げきりゅう
Ability Overgrow Blaze Torrent

頭にある苗のような部分は、 岩山で生活するといわれている。 産毛で寒さを知らず。

進化するとどうなる!? 断崖絶壁もなんのその! 外見とは裏腹にプライドが高いらしいぞ!

What will happen to the part of its It is said to live in rocky mountains. It does not know cold, with its downy feathers.

head that looks like a sprout when it evolves!? Precipitious cliffs, what's that! Contrary to its outward appearance, it seems to be very proud!
Pocket Monsters - Diamond & Pearl anime will air on September 28th, 2006 and will feature the three new announced Pokemon Naetoru, Hikozaru and Pocchama.

It was previously announced that around 90% of all Pokémon will evolve in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl — some old Pokémon gain new forms: the previously announced Rozureido* and the hitherto unnamed evolved form of Electabuzz:

名前 ロズレイド エレキブル
Exact Rozureido Erekiburu
Evolves from Roselia Electabuzz
Type Grass / Poison Electric
分類 ブーケポケモン らいでんポケモン
Species Bouquet Lightning
特性 しぜんかいふく・どくのトゲ でんきエンジン
Ability Natural Cure / Poison Point Electric Engine

Electric Engine is the signature ability of Erekiburu*.

It is as yet unknown what conditions have to be met before evolution occurs.

Note: The trademark registration for these Pokémon have not been made public, or do not exist.

Distribution of Pokémon between Diamond and Pearl

As with all the Pokémon games, the distribution and encounter rates of Pokémon differ between Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

名前 ウソハチ マネネ
Trademark Usohachi Manene
English name Bonsly Mime Jr.
Evolves into Sudowoodo Mr. Mime
Type Rock Psychic
分類 ぼんさいポケモン マイムポケモン
Species Bonsai Mime
特性 がんじょう・いしあたま ぼうおん・フィルター
Ability Sturdy / Rock Head Soundproof / Filter

Appears mainly in Pearl Appears mainly in Diamond

New moves

The new battle system

As previously reported, the battle system in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl undergoes some dramatic changes. First, all damaging moves are categorised as one of Physical (ぶつり) or Special (とくしゅ) individually, instead of by type. Consequently, Dorapion will be able to take advantage of its high Attack stat even with this moveset:

In the previous battle systems, the first three of the above moves would be categorised as Special, however, in Diamond and Pearl, these are instead Physical moves.

Pokémon Super Contests

The next generation of the Pokémon Contests introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire is the Pokémon Super Contest (ポケモンスーパーコンテスト). A new feature allows the player to change into a tuxedo or dress before going on stage. Up to four people can participate in Super Contests, which have three stages:

Visual judging (ビジュアル審査)
Using the touch screen, the player can dress up their Pokémon with accessories.
Dance judging (ダンス審査)
Choreograph your Pokémon and three backup dancers — points are scored for coordination and rhythm.
Performance judging (えんぎ審査)
As in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, impress the audience and judges using your Pokémon's moves.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


PokémonCenter Discount

Monday, August 07, 2006


No PokéNews. Officialy dead today in Steve Jobs's eyes: The Power PC. No PokéNews. Officialy dead today in Steve Jobs's eyes: The Power PC.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


コロコロ Information

Well more info has come from CoroCoro focusing on the WiFi features. Thanks to Coronis for assistance on translation:

* The Underground world of Shinou mentioned before appears to be a co-operative area where you link up with a friend (Over Wireless and WiFi) and search for items and Pokémon, tackling puzzles enroute. Fossils are primarily found here
* The underground area is also where the secret bases are situated and there is a game called Flag Retrieval. Each person has a flag in their secret base and when connected you need to go to your friends base and retrieve their flag. There are Rocks and Leaves and many other traps that can slow you down or stop you on that route
* The Battle Tower makes a return with global WiFi battling in a special WiFi Battle Room
* There is a Global Trade Station where you can meet up with people online around the globe and trade with people.
Currently it is unknown if the Global Trade Station & Battle Tower require Friend Codes, but considering there is a WiFi Center in each Pokémon Center, it is likely that these are random battles & trade hunts.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


D/P Information

Well CoroCoro has revealed a boat load of new information including the starters as we described the other day:

* Naetoru or Naetle as you'll see elsewhere is the Grass Type Pokémon starter. With the Young Leaf Classification, It has the standard Overgrow ability. It has the attack Razor Leaf
* Hikozaru is the Fire Type Pokémon Starter. With a Young Ape Classification, it also has the standard Blaze ability. It knows the attack Ember
* Pocchama is the Water Type Pokémon Starter. With the Penguin Classification, it has the standard Torrent ability. It knows the attack Bubble

* Rozureido, the previously confirmed Roselia evolution has the classification of Bouquet Pokémon and has the Natural Cure & Poison Point abilities. It also knows Petal Dance

* Elekible or Elekiburu as you may see around is now confirmed to evolve from Electabuzz. It's classification is Thunder & Electricity Pokémon and it has a new ability, Electric Engine, which increases Elekible's speed in battle under certain circumstances. It knows a new attack called Giga Impact which does powerful damage.

* Mime Jr. is a Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Diamond. It has the Soundproof and Filter abilities
* Bonsly is a Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Pearl. It has the Rock Head & Sturdy abilities
* Lucario knows a new attack called Faint. It manages to attack the foe even if it has successfully used Protect or Detect
* Perap knows a new attack called Blabber. This attack confuses the foe. This attack also lets you record your voice so that that is played when Perap uses it
* Pachirisu knows the attack Spark
* Contests have returned to the game and are now called Super Contests. They are done in 3 rounds and still have the usual aspect from Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald:
* The first round of Contests is where you dress your Pokémon up using the Touch Pen and certain items that you have access to such as crowns. This is the Visual Judgement category
* The second round is called the Dance Judgement category. Your Pokémon joins in a dance routine and you get rated based on rhythm and co-ordination. It is unknown how this will physically work as of yet
* The final round is the same as last time, the Performence Judgement category. You use your Pokémon's attacks to create dazzling appeals and try to Jam the other participants

Friday, August 04, 2006


Fake & Possible Pokémon


Thursday, August 03, 2006


PokémonCenter É-mail

I got the PokémonCenter News Letter, and here were the only two imaqges that were important:
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


No PokéNews

No PokéNews

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


D/P Starter Information

First off is the pretty much confirmed stuff is that we have three new Pokémon names from some official merchandise being released in Japan later this year. These names are Naetoru, Hikozaru & Bocchama. Now these names are speculated to be for the starters with Naetoru meaning Sprout Beetle and Hikozaru meaning Fire Child Ape. However this association is yet to be confirmed. If it is confirmed it puts to question the previously revealed information from the official site regarding the starter triangle.

However, in a Japanese Blog, a person claimed to get an Exclusive Tour of Nintendo HQ and saw the three starting Pokémon. He states that the starters follow the previous type triangle and claims that the Fire Type had the name Hikozaru. He described the Grass Starter as having a body similar to Chikorita and a face like Trapinch. The Fire Type he also confirmed to be a Fire Ape similar to how the name obtained on official merchandise states. Finally he states that the water type seems to be similar to a Penguin in appearance.

However since this information has come from a Blog, chances are it's fake...but if not and if the writer is sincere, this could be the first information we have for the starters. Chances are we will not know for sure until next week at the earliest, maybe mid-September. Remember, the above information is NOT 100% confirmed so take it with a grain of salt. Thanks to Coronis for the translations. Rest assured, we will keep you aprised on these as soon as possible.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Fake Pokémon

These Pokémon are all fake!^The Japanese in this is upsidedown!^

^This is Likitung!^

^This is Speed Deoxys with two plates and a wider abdomen!^
^ Plain ol' fakes! The names mean words in Japanese that no one says anymore!^


PokémonCenter Discount

*Offer expires August 6, 2006 at 11:59 PST. Promotion code "AUG10" must be entered at checkout for discount to be recognized. Limit one offer per order. All special offers must ship to the same address. Valid only on select items. Discounts based on original retail prices. This offer may be canceled or modified at any time due to system error, fraud or other unforeseen problem. Void where prohibited. You are receiving this email because you have opted in to our mailing program.

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