Sunday, June 11, 2006


Pokémon Jungle Tour

TV Tokyo's Pokémon Jungle Tour to visit four Japanese sites for Diamond/Pearl Preview.Pokémon Jungle Tour
Pokémon fans in Japan will get to experience Pokémon Diamond/Pearl on the Pokémon Jungle Tour before it is released, much like they could with Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire. These events and the days are listed below:

 July 20th - July 23rd: Aichi prefecture, Nagoya City - Minato-ku building No. 3.
 August 3rd - August 7th: Osaka prefecture, Osaka City - Nishi Ku/The Osaka Dome.
 August 11th - August 20th: Kanagawa prefecture, Yokohama City - Nishi Ku Yokohama.
 August 29th - September 3rd: Chiba prefecture, Chiba - Itimi Beach Ku/Makuhari

If you're interested, for a set fee of 3,200 Yen you get:Whether these "attractions" are carnival rides or game stations is unknown, but it is known that seven will be featured. More at Pokémon Jungle Tour Official Website (Japanese).

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