Monday, January 01, 2007
Two - Zéro - Zéro - Seven!
Well, it is 2007 now, for those of you that stayed up untill midnight, you realized it was nothing special. All you do now is say 2007 instead of 2006, big deal! If you watched the ball drop, that was noce, it you were on the east coast that is, other wise it would be an hour or three early. In this new year I hope to hear from you all in the future, and on Gamé with Famé in Pokémon Battle Revolution! Be warned, I've gotten good! I'll be a Pokémon Master soon! JirachiRob, DDeoxys, and JPPokémon all wish everyone a very prosperous and healthy new year! A lot happened in 2006, and a lot will happen in this year, 2007, too! One can only imagine what will happen in 20067 Take today to practice writing 2007 all over your house, you'll need it when you go back to school! I know no one reads all that I write, but, the entire JRBNET team wishes you all a great 2006 err... 7! And let it be a great year for Pokémon with the two new movies, one or two new games, and for those of you who couldn't get one, the Wii (in color too in the Spring!)
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